Supported TeX/LaTeX commands

This is a long list of the TeX macros supported by MathJax. If the macro is defined in an extension, the name of the extension follows the macro name. If the extension is in brackets, the extension will be loaded automatically when the macro or environment is first used.

More complete details about how to use these macros, with examples and explanations, is available at Carol Fisher’s TeX Commands Available in MathJax page. (These were written for MathJax v2, but most of the information is still correct for v3.)

In the following tables, the first column lists the macro (or character, or environment), and the second column indicates which package(s) defines the macro. If none is listed, then it is in the base package. If the package name is in bold, then it is preloaded by the components that include the TeX input jax (except for input/tex-base, which only includes the base package). If the package name is in italics, then the package is not autoloaded by the autoload extension.

Note that most macros are not processed inside text-mode material (such as that within \text{} and other similar macros). The textmacros extension makes additional macros available in text mode, as listed in the documentation for that extention.


\ (backslash-space)  


\abs physics
\absolutevalue physics
\acomm physics
\acos physics
\acosecant physics
\acosine physics
\acot physics
\acotangent physics
\acsc physics
\admat physics
\anticommutator physics
\antidiagonalmatrix physics
\approxeq ams
\arccos base, physics
\arccosecant physics
\arccosine physics
\arccot physics
\arccotangent physics
\arccsc physics
\arcsec physics
\arcsecant physics
\arcsin base, physics
\arcsine physics
\arctan base, physics
\arctangent physics
\asec physics
\asecant physics
\asin physics
\asine physics
\atan physics
\atangent physics


\backepsilon ams
\backprime ams
\backsim ams
\backsimeq ams
\barwedge ams
\Bbbk ams
\bbox bbox
\bcancel cancel
\because ams
\beth ams
\between ams
\bigstar ams
\binom ams
\blacklozenge ams
\blacksquare ams
\blacktriangle ams
\blacktriangledown ams
\blacktriangleleft ams
\blacktriangleright ams
\bmqty physics
\boldsymbol boldsymbol
\Box ams
\boxdot ams
\boxed ams
\boxminus ams
\boxplus ams
\boxtimes ams
\Bqty physics
\bqty physics
\Bra braket
\bra braket, physics
\Braket braket
\braket braket, physics
\Bumpeq ams
\bumpeq ams


\cancel cancel
\cancelto cancel
\Cap ams
\ce mhchem
\centerdot ams
\cfrac ams
\checkmark ams
\circeq ams
\circlearrowleft ams
\circlearrowright ams
\circledast ams
\circledcirc ams
\circleddash ams
\circledR ams
\circledS ams
\class html
\color color, colorv2
\colorbox color
\comm physics
\commutator physics
\complement ams
\cos base, physics
\cosecant physics
\cosh base, physics
\cosine physics
\cot base, physics
\cotangent physics
\coth base, physics
\cp physics
\cross physics
\crossproduct physics
\csc base, physics
\csch physics
\cssId html
\Cup ams
\curl physics
\curlyeqprec ams
\curlyeqsucc ams
\curlyvee ams
\curlywedge ams
\curvearrowleft ams
\curvearrowright ams


\daleth ams
\dashleftarrow ams
\dashrightarrow ams
\dbinom ams
\dd physics
\ddddot ams
\dddot ams
\DeclareMathOperator ams
\def newcommand
\definecolor color
\derivative physics
\det base, physics
\determinant physics
\dfrac ams
\diagdown ams
\diagonalmatrix physics
\diagup ams
\Diamond ams
\differential physics
\digamma ams
\div base, physics
\divergence physics
\divideontimes ams
\dmat physics
\Doteq ams
\doteqdot ams
\dotplus ams
\dotproduct physics
\doublebarwedge ams
\doublecap ams
\doublecup ams
\downdownarrows ams
\downharpoonleft ams
\downharpoonright ams
\dv physics
\dyad physics


\enclose enclose
\eqcirc ams
\eqref ams
\eqsim ams
\eqslantgtr ams
\eqslantless ams
\erf physics
\eth ams
\ev physics
\eval physics
\evaluated physics
\exp base, physics
\expectationvalue physics
\exponential physics
\expval physics


\fallingdotseq ams
\fcolorbox color
\fderivative physics
\fdv physics
\Finv ams
\flatfrac physics
\frac ams, base
\functionalderivative physics


\Game ams
\genfrac ams
\geqq ams
\geqslant ams
\ggg ams
\gggtr ams
\gimel ams
\gnapprox ams
\gneq ams
\gneqq ams
\gnsim ams
\grad physics
\gradient physics
\gradientnabla physics
\gtrapprox ams
\gtrdot ams
\gtreqless ams
\gtreqqless ams
\gtrless ams
\gtrsim ams
\gvertneqq ams


\href html
\hslash ams
\hypcosecant physics
\hypcosine physics
\hypcotangent physics
\hypsecant physics
\hypsine physics
\hyptangent physics


\identitymatrix physics
\idotsint ams
\iiiint ams
\Im base, physics
\imaginary physics
\imat physics
\impliedby ams
\implies ams
\injlim ams
\innerproduct physics
\intercal ams


\Join ams


\Ket braket
\ket braket, physics
\Ketbra braket
\ketbra braket, physics


\laplacian physics
\leadsto ams
\leftarrowtail ams
\leftleftarrows ams
\leftrightarrows ams
\leftrightharpoons ams
\leftrightsquigarrow ams
\leftthreetimes ams
\leqq ams
\leqslant ams
\lessapprox ams
\lessdot ams
\lesseqgtr ams
\lesseqqgtr ams
\lessgtr ams
\lesssim ams
\let newcommand
\lhd ams
\llcorner ams
\Lleftarrow ams
\lll ams
\llless ams
\ln base, physics
\lnapprox ams
\lneq ams
\lneqq ams
\lnsim ams
\log base, physics
\logarithm physics
\longleftrightarrows mhchem
\longLeftrightharpoons mhchem
\longRightleftharpoons mhchem
\longrightleftharpoons mhchem
\looparrowleft ams
\looparrowright ams
\lozenge ams
\lrcorner ams
\Lsh ams
\ltimes ams
\lVert ams
\lvert ams
\lvertneqq ams


\maltese ams
\mathring ams
\mathtip action
\matrixdeterminant physics
\matrixel physics
\matrixelement physics
\matrixquantity physics
\mdet physics
\measuredangle ams
\mel physics
\mho ams
\minCDarrowheight amscd
\minCDarrowwidth amscd
\mqty physics
\multimap ams


\naturallogarithm physics
\ncong ams
\negmedspace ams
\negthickspace ams
\newcommand newcommand
\newenvironment newcommand
\Newextarrow extpfeil
\nexists ams
\ngeq ams
\ngeqq ams
\ngeqslant ams
\ngtr ams
\nLeftarrow ams
\nleftarrow ams
\nLeftrightarrow ams
\nleftrightarrow ams
\nleq ams
\nleqq ams
\nleqslant ams
\nless ams
\nmid ams
\nobreakspace ams
\norm physics
\notag ams
\nparallel ams
\nprec ams
\npreceq ams
\nRightarrow ams
\nrightarrow ams
\nshortmid ams
\nshortparallel ams
\nsim ams
\nsubseteq ams
\nsubseteqq ams
\nsucc ams
\nsucceq ams
\nsupseteq ams
\nsupseteqq ams
\ntriangleleft ams
\ntrianglelefteq ams
\ntriangleright ams
\ntrianglerighteq ams
\nVDash ams
\nVdash ams
\nvDash ams
\nvdash ams


\op physics
\operatorname ams
\order physics
\outerproduct physics


\partialderivative physics
\paulimatrix physics
\pb physics
\pderivative physics
\pdv physics
\pitchfork ams
\pmat physics
\Pmqty physics
\pmqty physics
\poissonbracket physics
\pqty physics
\Pr base, physics
\precapprox ams
\preccurlyeq ams
\precnapprox ams
\precneqq ams
\precnsim ams
\precsim ams
\principalvalue physics
\Probability physics
\projlim ams
\pu mhchem
\PV physics
\pv physics


\qall physics
\qand physics
\qas physics
\qassume physics
\qc physics
\qcc physics
\qcomma physics
\qelse physics
\qeven physics
\qfor physics
\qgiven physics
\qif physics
\qin physics
\qinteger physics
\qlet physics
\qodd physics
\qor physics
\qotherwise physics
\qq physics
\qqtext physics
\qsince, physics
\qthen physics
\qty physics
\quantity physics
\qunless physics
\qusing physics


\rank physics
\Re base, physics
\real physics
\renewcommand newcommand
\renewenvironment newcommand
\require require
\Res physics
\restriction ams
\rhd ams
\rightarrowtail ams
\rightleftarrows ams
\rightleftharpoons ams, base
\rightrightarrows ams
\rightsquigarrow ams
\rightthreetimes ams
\risingdotseq ams
\Rrightarrow ams
\Rsh ams
\rtimes ams
\rVert ams
\rvert ams


\sbmqty physics
\sec base, physics
\secant physics
\sech physics
\Set braket
\set braket
\shortmid ams
\shortparallel ams
\shoveleft ams
\shoveright ams
\sideset ams
\sin base, physics
\sine physics
\sinh base, physics
\SkipLimits ams
\smallfrown ams
\smallmatrixquantity physics
\smallsetminus ams
\smallsmile ams
\smdet physics
\smqty physics
\sphericalangle ams
\sPmqty physics
\spmqty physics
\sqsubset ams
\sqsupset ams
\square ams
\style html
\Subset ams
\subseteqq ams
\subsetneq ams
\subsetneqq ams
\substack ams
\succapprox ams
\succcurlyeq ams
\succnapprox ams
\succneqq ams
\succnsim ams
\succsim ams
\Supset ams
\supseteqq ams
\supsetneq ams
\supsetneqq ams
\svmqty physics


\tag ams
\tan base, physics
\tangent physics
\tanh base, physics
\tbinom ams
\textcolor color
\texttip action
\tfrac ams
\therefore ams
\thickapprox ams
\thicksim ams
\toggle action
\Tr physics
\tr physics
\Trace physics
\trace physics
\triangledown ams
\trianglelefteq ams
\triangleq ams
\trianglerighteq ams
\tripledash mhchem
\twoheadleftarrow ams
\twoheadrightarrow ams


\ulcorner ams
\unicode unicode
\unlhd ams
\unrhd ams
\upharpoonleft ams
\upharpoonright ams
\upuparrows ams
\urcorner ams


\va physics
\var physics
\varDelta ams
\varGamma ams
\variation physics
\varinjlim ams
\varkappa ams
\varLambda ams
\varliminf ams
\varlimsup ams
\varnothing ams
\varOmega ams
\varPhi ams
\varPi ams
\varprojlim ams
\varpropto ams
\varPsi ams
\varSigma ams
\varsubsetneq ams
\varsubsetneqq ams
\varsupsetneq ams
\varsupsetneqq ams
\varTheta ams
\vartriangle ams
\vartriangleleft ams
\vartriangleright ams
\varUpsilon ams
\varXi ams
\vb physics
\Vdash ams
\vDash ams
\vdot physics
\vectorarrow physics
\vectorbold physics
\vectorunit physics
\veebar ams
\verb verb
\vmqty physics
\vqty physics
\vu physics
\Vvdash ams




\xcancel cancel
\xleftarrow ams, mhchem
\xleftrightarrow mhchem
\xLeftrightharpoons mhchem
\xlongequal extpfeil
\xmapsto extpfeil
\xmat physics
\xmatrix physics
\xrightarrow ams, mhchem
\xRightleftharpoons mhchem
\xrightleftharpoons mhchem
\xtofrom extpfeil
\xtwoheadleftarrow extpfeil
\xtwoheadrightarrow extpfeil


\yen ams


\zeromatrix physics
\zmat physics


LaTeX environments of the form \begin{NAME} ... \end{NAME} are provided where NAME is one of the following:

align ams
align* ams
alignat ams
alignat* ams
aligned ams
alignedat ams
Bmatrix ams
bmatrix ams
cases ams
CD amscd
eqnarray* ams
gather ams
gather* ams
gathered ams
matrix ams
multline ams
multline* ams
pmatrix ams
smallmatrix ams, physics
split ams
subarray ams
Vmatrix ams
vmatrix ams