Safe Extension Options

The ui/safe component provides a means of filtering the various attributes of the mathematics on the page so that certain limitations on their content is enforced. This allows you to prevent javascript: or data: URLs from appearing in href attributes, for example, which would otherwise cause potential security issues.

All mathematics processed by MathJax is converted into an internal MathML structure, regardless of its initial format in the page. The ui/safe extension works by walking the internal MathML tree for the mathematics and checking the attributes of the nodes in the tree to maker sure they comply with the restrictions you specify.

To load the ui/safe extension, add 'ui/safe' to the load array of the loader block of your MathJax configuration.

window.MathJax = {
  loader: {load: ['ui/safe']},

The ui/safe extension can filter several classes of information: URLs, class names, css IDs, and css style declarations. The filtering for these can each be set to one of three different values: 'all', 'safe' or 'none'. When set to 'all' no filtering is performed (all values are allowed); when set to 'none' the value is always cleared (no value can be set for that attribute); and when set to 'safe' the values are filtered using additional criteria given in the options, as listed below.

The Configuration Block

MathJax = {
  options: {
    safeOptions: {
      allow: {
        //  Values can be "all", "safe", or "none"
        URLs:    'safe',   // safe are in safeProtocols below
        classes: 'safe',   // safe start with mjx- (can be set by pattern below)
        cssIDs:  'safe',   // safe start with mjx- (can be set by pattern below)
        styles:  'safe'    // safe are in safeStyles below
      //  Which URL protocols are allowed
      safeProtocols: {
        http: true,
        https: true,
        file: true,
        javascript: false,
        data: false
      //  Which styles are allowed
      safeStyles: {
        color: true,
        backgroundColor: true,
        border: true,
        cursor: true,
        margin: true,
        padding: true,
        textShadow: true,
        fontFamily: true,
        fontSize: true,
        fontStyle: true,
        fontWeight: true,
        opacity: true,
        outline: true
      lengthMax: 3,                           // Largest padding/border/margin, etc. in em's
      scriptsizemultiplierRange: [.6, 1],     // Valid range for scriptsizemultiplier
      scriptlevelRange: [-2, 2],              // Valid range for scriptlevel
      classPattern: /^mjx-[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$/,  // Pattern for allowed class names
      idPattern: /^mjx-[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$/,     // Pattern for allowed ids
      dataPattern: /^data-mjx-/               // Pattern for data attributes

Option Descriptions

allow: {...}

These settings control what level of filtering to perform for each of the categories provided. When set to 'all' no filtering is performed (all values are allowed); when set to 'none' the value is always cleared (no value can be set for that attribute); and when set to 'safe' the values are filtered using additional criteria given in the remaining options.

safeProtocols: {...}

This object controls which internet protocols are allowed to be used in URLs within the mathematics (in href and src attributes). A protocol whose value is give as true will be allowed, and one given as false will not be. For example, the default is to allow http:, https:, and file: protocols, but not javascript: or data: protocols. A protocol that is not listed is considered to be false.

safeStyles: {...}

This object specifies which CSS style properties are allowed to be specified in the style attribute of a MathML node. When set to true that style (and any sub-styles of the style) are allowed; when false or not listed, the style is not allowed to be specified. For example, since border is true, the style attribute can include border, border-top, border-top-width, and so on. Some style values may be further filtered based on other configuration options.

lengthMax: 3

This specifies the largest dimension allowed for styles like padding, border, margin, etc. These are limited in order to prevent users from making borders that are gigantic, for example. The values of these attributes must have absolute value less than this value (in ems).

scriptsizemultiplierRange: [.6, 1]

This specifies the range of values allowed for the scriptsizemultiplier MathML attribute (for <math> and <mstyle> nodes). These are filtered to prevent users from making super- and subscripts too large (or too small).

scriptlevelRange: [-2, 2]

This specifies the range of values allowd for the scriptlevel MathML attribute (for <math> and <mstyle> nodes). These are filtered to prevent users from making text that is too large (via negative scriptlevel) or too small (via large scriptlevel).

classPattern: /^mjx-[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$/

This gives a regular expression used to determine if a class name is allowed to be specified. The default is to allow names starting with mjx- and containing letters, numbers, minus, period, and underscore.

idPattern: /^mjx-[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+$/

This gives a regular expression used to determine what node id values are allowed to be specified. The default is to allow ids starting with mjx- and containing letters, numbers, minus, period, and underscore.

dataPattern: /^data-mjx-/

This gives a regular expression used to determine what data- attribute names are allowed to be specified. The default is to allow data- attributes whose names begin with data-mjx-.

Developer Options

MathJax = {
  options: {
    safeOptions: {
      //  CSS styles that have Top/Right/Bottom/Left versions
      styleParts: {
        border: true,
        padding: true,
        margin: true,
        outline: true
      //  CSS styles that are lengths needing max/min testing
      //    A string value means test that style value;
      //    An array gives [min,max] in em's
      //    Otherwise use [-lengthMax,lengthMax] from above
      styleLengths: {
        borderTop: 'borderTopWidth',
        borderRight: 'borderRightWidth',
        borderBottom: 'borderBottomWidth',
        borderLeft: 'borderLeftWidth',
        paddingTop: true,
        paddingRight: true,
        paddingBottom: true,
        paddingLeft: true,
        marginTop: true,
        marginRight: true,
        marginBottom: true,
        marginLeft: true,
        outlineTop: true,
        outlineRight: true,
        outlineBottom: true,
        outlineLeft: true,
        fontSize: [.707, 1.44]
styleParts: {...}

This object indicates which safe styles have Top/Right/Bottom/Left versions (so that the sub-parts can be properly checked). If you extend the safeStyles to include others that have these four sub-properties, be sure to add them here.

styleLengths: {...}

This object lists the styles that are lengths that need to be tested. A string value means test that style’s value (e.g., borderTop is set to 'borderTopWidth', so the border’s width is tested). An array value gives the minimum and maximum value (in ems) that the property can have, and true means use [-lengthMax, lengthMax] using the lengthMax option listed above.