
The empheq extension partially implements the empheq style package from LaTeX. The package provides macros and environments for emphasising equations. See the list of control sequences for details about what commands are implemented in this extension. Note, that the current implementation of the empheq environment supports only the left and right options. Also see the CTAN page for more information and documentation of empheq.

This package is not autoloaded, so you must request it explicitly if you want to use it. To load the empheq extension, add '[tex]/empheq' to the load array of the loader block of your MathJax configuration, and add 'empheq' to the packages array of the tex block.

window.MathJax = {
  loader: {load: ['[tex]/empheq']},
  tex: {packages: {'[+]': ['empheq']}}

You can configure the autoload extension to load empheq when the empheq environment is first used via

window.MathJax = {
  tex: {
    autoload: {
      empheq: [[], ['empheq']]

Alternatively, use \require{empheq} in a TeX expression to load it dynamically from within the math on the page, if the require extension is loaded.

empheq Commands

The empheq extension implements the following macros: \empheqbigl, \empheqbiglangle, \empheqbiglbrace, \empheqbiglbrack, \empheqbiglceil, \empheqbiglfloor, \empheqbiglparen, \empheqbiglvert, \empheqbiglVert, \empheqbigr, \empheqbigrangle, \empheqbigrbrace, \empheqbigrbrack, \empheqbigrceil, \empheqbigrfloor, \empheqbigrparen, \empheqbigrvert, \empheqbigrVert, \empheql, \empheqlangle, \empheqlbrace, \empheqlbrack, \empheqlceil, \empheqlfloor, \empheqlparen, \empheqlvert, \empheqlVert, \empheqr, \empheqrangle, \empheqrbrace, \empheqrbrack, \empheqrceil, \empheqrfloor, \empheqrparen, \empheqrvert, \empheqrVert

And the following environments: empheq