
The verb extension defines the \verb LaTeX macro that typesets its argument “verbatim” (without further processing) in a monospaced (typewriter) font. The first character after the \verb command is used as a delimiter for the argument, which is everything up to the next copy of the delimiter character). E.g.


will typeset \sqrt{x} as a literal string.

Note that, due to how MathJax locates math strings within the document, the argument to \verb must have balanced braces, so \verb|{| is not valid in a web page (use \mathtt{\{} instead). If you are passing TeX strings to MathJax.tex2svg() or MathJax.tex2chtml(), however, braces don’t have to be balanced. So

const html = MathJax.tex2chtml('\\verb|{|');

is valid.

This extension is loaded automatically when the autoload extension is used. To load the verb extension explicitly (when using input/tex-base for example), add '[tex]/verb' to the load array of the loader block of your MathJax configuration, and add 'verb' to the packages array of the tex block.

window.MathJax = {
  loader: {load: ['[tex]/verb']},
  tex: {packages: {'[+]': ['verb']}}

Alternatively, use \require{verb} in a TeX expression to load it dynamically from within the math on the page, if the require extension is loaded.