MathML Input Processor Options

The options below control the operation of the MathML input processor that is run when you include 'input/mml' in the load array of the loader block of your MathJax configuration, or if you load a combined component that includes the MathML input jax. They are listed with their default values. To set any of these options, include an mml section in your MathJax global object.

The Configuration Block

MathJax = {
  mml: {
    parseAs: 'html',                     // or 'xml'
    forceReparse: false,                 // true to serialize and re-parse all MathML
    parseError: function (node) {        // function to process parsing errors
      this.error(this.adaptor.textContent(node).replace(/\n.*/g, ''));
    verify: {                            // parameters controling verification of MathML
      checkArity: true,                  //   check if number of children is correct
      checkAttributes: false,            //   check if attribute names are valid
      fullErrors: false,                 //   display full error messages or just error node
      fixMmultiscripts: true,            //   fix unbalanced mmultiscripts
      fixMtables: true                   //   fix incorrect nesting in mtables

Option Descriptions

parseAs: 'html'

Specifies how MathML strings should be parsed: as XML or as HTML. When set to 'xml', the browser’s XML parser is used, which is more strict about format (e.g., matching end tags) than the HTML parser, which is the default. In node application (where the liteDOM is used), these both use the same parser, which is not very strict.

forceReparse: false

Specifies whether MathJax will serialize and re-parse MathML found in the document. This can be useful if you want to do XML parsing of the MathML from an HTML document.

parseError: (node) => {...}

Specifies a function to be called when there is a parsing error in the MathML (usually only happens with XML parsing). The node is a DOM node containing the error text. Your function can process that in any way it sees fit. The default is to call the MathML input processor’s error function with the text of the error (which will create an merror node with the error message). Note that this function runs with this being the MathML input processor object.

verify: {...}

This object controls what verification/modifications are to be performed on the MathML that is being processed by MathJax. The values that can be included in the verify object are the following:

checkArity: true

This specifies whether the number of children is verified or not. The default is to check for the correct number of children. If the number is wrong, the node is replaced by an <merror> node containing either a message indicating the wrong number of children, or the name of the node itself, depending on the setting of fullErrors below.

checkAttributes: false

This specifies whether the names of all attributes are checked to see if they are valid on the given node (i.e., they have a default value, or are one of the standard attributes such as style, class, id, href, or a data- attribute. If an attribute is in error, the node is either placed inside an <merror> node (so that it is marked in the output as containing an error), or is replaced by an <merror> containing a full message indicating the bad attribute, depending on the setting of fullErrors below.

Currently only names are checked, not values. Value verification may be added in a future release.

fullErrors: false

This specifies whether a full error message is displayed when a node produces an error, or whether just the node name is displayed (or the node itself in the case of attribute errors).

fixMmultiscripts: true

This specifies whether extra <none/> entries are added to <mmultiscripts> elements to balance the super- ans subscripts, as required by the specification, or whether to generate an error instead.

fixMtables: true

This specifies whether missing <mtable>, <mtr> and <mtd> elements are placed around cells or not. When true, MathJax will attempt to correct the table structure if these elements are missing from the tree. For example, an <mtr> element that is not within an <mtable> will have an <mtable> placed around it automatically, and an <mtable> containing an <mi> as a direct child node will have an <mtr> and <mtd> inserted around the <mi>.

Developer Options

In addition to the options listed above, low-level options intended for developers include the following:

FindMathML: null

The FindMathML object instance that will override the default one. This allows you to create a subclass of FindMathML and pass that to the MathML input jax. A null value means use the default FindMathML class and make a new instance of that.

MathMLCompile: null

The MathMLCompile object instance that will override the default one. This allows you to create a subclass of MathMLCompile and pass that to the MathML input jax. A null value means use the default MathMLCompile class and make a new instance of that.